Poems of Recovery

In deze gedichten bundel verteld Ananda de jager (1993) over haar strijd met haar eetstoornis. De kleine gedichtjes bieden herkenning, hoop en inspiratie.

Jezelf volledig accepteren is lastig. In “Poems of Recovery“ deelt Ananda haar gevoelens en gedachten tijdens haar herstel proces. Hieronder een van de gedichten uit haar boek.

Poems of Recovery Ananda de Jager www.isa-power.nl

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Eyes wide open and bright

The little girl just lost sight

Some more restrictions here and there

Suddenly you are in too deep to share

Thought it would go over with age

This destruction is like a cage

Had I known when I was fifteen

I would not have been so mean

Destroying my own body

To be thin for anybody

We are then years later now

And all this time did I never allow

Myself to eat enough

To be healthy, strong and though

This time I have to. make it through

If not for me, then for you

- I do it for the kid inside me