francesca bas

English, Italian, Spanish speaking
Volunteer at ISA Power
Madrid area

My name is Francesca Bas I'm a 22 year old coach and psychology student who is passionate about holistically supporting people in their healing journey.

I was 16 when I started truly recovering, what does truly recovering mean? To me this means feeling fully that you want to recover, this doesn’t mean it’s easy, or that it’s a linear path to healing. but uncovering your inner want to heal can truly help start your healing journey

My intention is to be someone who understands you, is always here to talk with you, and is here also to support you. But most importantly my biggest wish is for you to realize you are not your ED. Think about our mind like a garden, which plants grow? The ones we water, so although for now ED may seem an invasive species that’s taken over you I want to help you start growing whichever plants you want and gently start taking Ed’s deep roots out.

I started struggling with Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia when I was 14, for so long I didn’t think anything was wrong, that my ED was simply something that helped me stay in control. However as I'm sure you can relate to we do not have control of our Eds, they start to control us. So much so it can feel such a big part of our identity and recovery may seem impossible.

However impossible it may feel I promise you that recovery is possible for YOU.

You’ve already taken one of the biggest and bravest steps, asking for help be proud of yourself for this, it’s not easy (giving you applause).

  • My passion is: Traveling, Psychology and People

  • My hobbies are: Adventures, Art, trying new things

  • My favorite food is: Pizza!!

You can read my Story of Hope here.